Monday, March 30, 2009


Red Skelton once said that God gives us each a gift and when we use that gift we're giving one back to God. I like that thought... we all have at least one special gift- intellect, patience, poetry, insight... whatever it is the real joy in living is using that gift... then, work is a passion not a chore. The older I get the more exhausted I am over the daily struggles and the more desperate I feel over missing out on the opportunity to focus on painting. And the more I resent the suggestion that art is a hobby. It's my vision of the world expressed. It's who I am, not something I do to amuse myself. My current fate is to have office windows that look out to farmland and the gorgeous Warwick River. There I talk to troubled people all day and lust after a different life. And maybe it's not a life I'm capable of living but I'd sure like to give it a shot. So, plan A: Get the art out there...

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